This blog will act as a learning log for the "Art of Photography" course which I'm studying. This course is the introductory module for the Open College of the Arts (OCA), Photography Degree course.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Part 3 - Exercise 1

For this exercise I chose the coloured wall of my son's bedroom and included the light fitting in order to see the effect on white too.

The first shot is normal exposure according to the camera (though I think the shot is actually underexposed a bit).

The second shot is 1/2 stop over exposed. The colour is noticeably different - it's lighter. Some of the intensity of the colour has drained away. It's not (yet) really clear whether it's the Brightness or Saturation that's effected though. However, it's clearly not the Hue.

This effect is more exaggerated at +1 stop.

And the colour isn't far off white at +2 stops. At this level of exaggeration it's clear that the brightness of the colour is effected by exposure rather than Saturation. If it was saturation that was effected, the wall would be grey.

Now I reduced the exposure to -1/2 stop from normal. The colour gets darker.

Darker still at -1 stop.

And is getting close(ish) to black at -2 stops. The white light fitting is also very dark.

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