This blog will act as a learning log for the "Art of Photography" course which I'm studying. This course is the introductory module for the Open College of the Arts (OCA), Photography Degree course.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Assignment 3 - Preparatory thoughts

I want to tackle a number of themes or subject types for this Assignment. It would make sense to have 4 themes and take 1 of each relationship for each theme. However, in practice with some themes it may be difficult to capture all the relationships. Anyway, themes I think I'm going to use are:

  • The Street (I can take a similar approach here as I did for Assignment 2)
  • Still life (as stated previously I want to do found still life's rather than staged ones. However, looking at the brief for the assignment it actually says that using both arranged and found subjects is recommended, so I'll bear this in mind)
  • Portraits (I'm thinking that experimenting with different clothes and backgrounds could work here)
  • Nature (I think the palette will be limited here, but being able to demonstrate an ability to find less obvious colours will be good. The palette will be especially limited as it's the middle of winter.)
The Street
As above, I can take a similar approach as previous. No need to think too much about the specifics of what I'll photograph. 

Still life
Again, think I just need to look for inspiration on this one. However there are a few things I want to look out for:
Complementary - cool morning light with something standing out
Similar - warm colours, tungsten light

Amend - 12/1/13
Come up with a few subjects for this now:

  • The rather tacky gnome in the back garden has red, yellow and blue on it
  • Coloured pegs on the washing line
  • Coloured bottles in the bathroom
Complementary - Green top against red brick
Similar - Same Green top against trees/bushes
Contrast - Red top against blue background
Accent - any of the above where I can find a large enough background to keep the subjects' top small

Amend - 12/1/13
Tried doing this with my son but he got bored after about 2 minutes. Need to find another model.

There is a tree I really like which I'd like to take some photographs of for this.
Complimentary - blue and orange sky
Similar - green trees, blue sky
Contrast - green trees, orange sky
Accent - small green tree against blue sky

Amend 12/1/13
Think I might really struggle to find much colour in nature at the minute. The sky is either completely over cast or completely blue. And there is very little colour in the trees....

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