This blog will act as a learning log for the "Art of Photography" course which I'm studying. This course is the introductory module for the Open College of the Arts (OCA), Photography Degree course.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Miles Aldridge - Steven Kasher Gallery

In honesty I probably wouldn't have visited this gallery if I wasn't already visiting galleries in the same location. I think the work would fit under the tableau genre/style, which I generally find a little difficult to engage with.

To my understanding the work was playing with female role stereotypes - particularly that of the domestic, but passively sexually attractive mother and housewife. The subjects/characters seem to be breaking out of the constraints of former passivity - but seem to be doing pretty well at looking like fashion models as they do it. The work is highly colourful, glossy, polished - everything is perfectly placed, hair and make-up remain nicely in place.

Overall they look like fashion shots. If I was a woman I'm not sure I'd be particularly grateful of the roles being foisted on me by society being toyed with (and regenerated?) in this way, I think I'd want art to be more direct in destroying them.

The shots were interesting, but (to me), not inspiring.

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