This blog will act as a learning log for the "Art of Photography" course which I'm studying. This course is the introductory module for the Open College of the Arts (OCA), Photography Degree course.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Redeye Slide Jam - Liverpool

I was pretty lucky in being able to combine my day wandering the streets of Liverpool taking photos for Assignment 2 with going to the Redeye ( Slide Jam in Liverpool's Open Eye gallery (

I went to the gallery during the day as I wasn't sure I'd be able to view the installations during the evening. I was particularly interested in the work on Fan Shi Shan and his Two of Us project ( I've come across it somewhere previously, but it was great to see the work at such a large size where the subtlety of the colours and the stillness of the compositions really came across.

In terms of the slide jam, it was a great evening surrounded by people with a great interest in photography. Some of the photography was more interesting than others all of them filled their 5 minute slots with enough interest to make me want more. I'm listing them all hear so that I can take a closer look:
Mark Peachey
Chris Mear
Yan Preston
Alan Moore
Paul Smith
Simon Hall
Alison McLean
Colin McPherson
Kevin Casey
Fran Martinez
Gavin McQuarrie
Tony Mallon
Phil Portus
Sharon Boothroyd

It certainly made me walk away thinking that this is something I would like to display my work in at some point further down the line.

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