Project - Dividing the frame
Exercise - Positioning the horizon
The aim of this exercise was to experiment with the placement of the horizon in the frame. The location seemed suitable for this - and extremely flat horizon on a day with good cloud interest. The foreground could have been better, but you can't have everything....
horizon at midpoint |
This is perhaps the obvious shot - horizon at the midpoint. It feels like an honest, complete (but dull), representation of what was before me.
horizon toward top |
Here the land is emphasized. The horizon feels like a long long way away. The sky simply marks where the land ends. My shadow adds a quirky interest.
horizon toward bottom |
And now the sky has it's turn. The land just serves to emphasize the enormity of the sky.
horizon at very bottom |
Now the shot has lost it's balance. The land may as well not be there at all.
horizon at very top |
Similarly in this shot there is no balance. Even the shadow has ceased to be quirky and just becoming imposing and out of place.
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