I've been deliberately looking for photographs that have strong design elements which are inline with the teaching of the current part of the course. Following advice from my tutor I've also been doing this by looking at artists on Conscientious (
Anyway, I came across Tina Hillier (
www.tinahillier.com), and found some really strong, varied and interesting design elements (I'm also going to remember her for the next part which is colour, as she makes some wonderful use of colour in her shots as well).
The use of a strong circular element is really clear here. There is an obvious reference to the sun - which I guess is the most significant circle for us all.
The circles in the curtain pattern are also refelcted in the mans glasses and actually his head and hair. There are also strong rectangles and triangles in his bent arm and leg. Lots "i candy [sic]".
A really strong rectangle here. The chandelier is also a bold circle. And a point - which is central to the frame, but off centre with the dominant rectangle.
The next 2 shots provide very interesting patterns.
The curves are obvious here and nicely stopped in their tracks by the strong vertical and point (without which the shot would potentially lack interest).
Horizontal slab, cut into by rectangles with the vertical trees shooting out form the top.
Diagonals, triangles, horizontals, verticals, rhythms and even an eyeline. Lovely.
Obvious strong horizontal, but also a point with a triangle in it.
I absolutely love this shot. But the multiple points are the reason I include it here.